Hi everyone! Life in the forest has calmed down somewhat. Hans and Heidi, a german couple, arrived in late November. They now live in the house next door. They have a bird banding project that has been ongoing for over 30 years. Hans is investigating the long life span he has recorded in some birds - some have been found to live over 20 years. Here are some photos I thought you would enjoy.
This is where all the guilty cows go - once caught tresspassing in the forest; we call it cow jail. The owners have to pay a fine to get them out.
Hans lets me release some of the birds. I banded my first one the other day. He has caught 43 species in a few weeks. Some you can see here:
A mis net in the forest. It is hard to see, but Hans and Evans are standing with the net on their immediate right.
They use bamboo poles to secure the nets.
Red- chested owlet.
Rhinocerous viper, a resident of the Forester's yard. Watch your step!
Barret is working with Isaac, our neighbor to till the land next to our choo (pit toilet). We have planted kale which is now about knee high.
Titus (left) and Evans (right) are brothers. Evans has been hired by Hans to work on the bird banding project. Titus was trained by Hans when he was only 5 years old to handle and band birds. Titus now works at the National Museum in Nairobi.
Variable Sunbird
White tailed ant thrush.